untitled video game collection

this is a list of all of the video games i currently personally own, as well as video game consoles/microcomputers/personal computers. i have a deep adoration of old computer hardware, especially that of the late 1970s into the early 1980s. because of this, most of my personal collection focuses heavily on 2nd-gen video games, although i also have an interest in obtaining later games, especially so-called "boomer shooters" of the 1990s and hardware to properly play them on, but until i get the proper funds and organisation i'll stick to source ports and emulation for that for now. this page will not go into anything in my steam collection, as i'm far more interested in documenting my physical games, but maybe if i get enough e-mails or whatever about it i'll get around to putting together things like that.


my prized possession. specifically, the one i have is an original system 1 model, not that it really matters much outside of audio being built-into the console instead of being transmit through the rf cable. i hope to at some point get/produce a flash cart or something so i can eventually get around to making physical homebrew albums on this beast. i'd say to get one, but they're obnoxiously expensive and since i need to service mine, i can't vouch for their ease of use nowadays, given they're nearly 50 years old at this rate. ah, well.


not quite as beautiful or vibes as the fairchild ves, but still an amazing and beautiful console. not all the games are great on here, but that's the case for any system, and i really think it's oversold the amount of alleged shovelware in her library. also e-t isn't actually that bad, and i know that as something who's played some truly unplayable stuff in here (see: imagic's "riddle of the sphinx"). i'm currently most actively collecting games for this console, and while i have *most* of what i'm looking for, there's a few more that i've been meaning to cross off the list, both popular and obscure ones.


i would like to get some old 1990s/2000s personal computer games physically, but currently i only actually have one. that's fine, though, i can wait until i get the hardware to run it, lol.


i have a lot of fond memories for the wii, although not of playing on my own. i just have memories of playing it at my cousin's house during the summer, mostly of mariokart wii, wii sports, and a few others. oddly enough, though, it's not something that i've had an active interest in revisiting. i guess it's just current preference game-wise. either way, while i don't currently have my own of this system, one of my roommates has one so i can feel semi-comfortable ocassionally picking up odds and ends for this console. i probably won't though, again mostly due to personal interests.